主要針對老花眼矯正時所需用。一般雙光鏡片的分配為:鏡片的上部為看遠處,低處的鏡片用來觀看近點的用途,至於近用范為的大小,則視近用工作的性質來訂。 戴漸進眼鏡由朝到晚、係自己對眼可以享受、有咩野可以代替...
今天晚上,我放學回家後,爸爸對我說:“慧慧,今晚我們要去辛灣飯店吃飯。”"新灣酒店,是不是阿姨 工作的酒店?"我問。爸爸說:“是的,今天是你阿姨的生日。&rdquo...
菜市場買回來的蔬菜需要清洗,而為了清洗得更幹淨、更徹底,浸泡一會兒也是需要的。但浸泡的時間過長不僅不會提高清洗效果,相反還會造成一些營養素的流失。 能恩便秘寶寶的合適奶粉.用家分享超級兒童能有助預防便...
In the United States, most of what are labeled yams are actually sweet potatoes, including the ora...
These Rocky Road Krispies Bars are super simple to make and require no oven time. They’re a ...
It’s St. Patrick’s Day season, where we think about the color green, shamrocks, leprec...
Delicious chicken rolls with spinach and cream cheese. Spinach cream cheese stuffed chicken breast...
A few weeks ago I stopped at a garage sale in Brooklyn and found a stack of Nintendo Power magazines...
Black magic and Yam are amongst the many things Ghana is famous for. “Juju”as it is ca...
This Christmas, the spirits in Mumbai have been particularly low. Due to the terrorist attacks exa...
Going green...everyone seems to be heading in that direction. And a good thing too. Our little pla...